
在《纽约时报》,加布里埃尔·马尔科蒂审视了德甲的衰落这个问题困扰了我一段时间。基于在欧洲竞争中的成功,这些数据是明确的。德国的领头羊拜仁慕尼黑(Bayern Munich)在欧洲足球俱乐部中排名第17位。英雄是如何倒下的。

这可能是暂时的,但马尔科蒂讨论的理论暗示了永久性的影响。马尔科蒂指出,“德国俱乐部是作为‘非盈利’的社会实体建立起来的。”Thus, the clubs are inherently less entrepreneurial, and as a group do not face the competitive pressure that comes from Abramovich-style expenditure at Chelsea or Juventus. As money has become increasingly important in the post-Bosman (free agent) era, the organizational setup of German clubs has restrained their ability to compete with the best teams in Europe. The playing talent is flowing elsewhere.
