
有趣的故事监管机构列《圣地亚哥联盟论坛报》(the San Diego Union Tribune)的记者采访了一家名为“公约体育与休闲国际”(Conventions Sports & Leisure International)的咨询公司,该公司对体育场的影响有着“乐观的预测记录”。中超似乎在球场冲击方面相当活跃。

上周,CSL的一份报告指出,Petco公园(圣迭戈教士的家)每1美元的公共投资就会得到5美元以上的私人投资。Is that cause for celebration? Maybe. The story provides links to the report (so you be the judge) along with other reports issued by CSL. Kudos to Watchdog for posting those, along with the wry comment that CSL "could be warming up to examine a proposed Chargers relocation. If the firm’s previous analyses are any guide, expect promising forecasts for stadium boosters."
