
继布拉德的以前的职位,2011年ICC板球世界杯在次大陆已接近顶峰。今天的印度和巴基斯坦之间的半决赛将是一大亮点 - 没有人需要提醒一下这两个宿敌之间的历史。无论谁获胜,将满足斯里兰卡,谁在另一场半决赛昨晚占新西兰,确保赢家将是巡回赛共同主办的一个。

Other highlights have included Ireland’s upset win over England, the stunning 338-338 tie between India and England, the end of three-time reigning champion Australia’s 34-match World Cup unbeaten streak, and New Zealand’s unexpected quarter-final rout of the highly-fancied South Africa.



With the rain already falling, one suspects that we can apportion some of his decision to the fact that, had the challenges been upheld (and taking the imminent loss of playing time into account), Australia’s Duckworth-Lewis revised target in the second innings (had the rain stopped eventually and Australia batted with reduced overs) would have been amended downwards, purely on the basis of Sri Lanka having lost an extra wicket. [Disclaimer: I am going to give Ponting the benefit of the doubt that he at least has half-a-brain.]



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