


答:我认为这样做是有益的。我认为如果你退后一步说,“不,我们不会去碰它”,今天是一个不同的时代。现在,你可能什么都不会改变。我不知道。但是他们是否应该退一步让会员和其他人看看然后说,嘿,你真的想重新考虑这个模式吗?Sure. It's no different than when we relaxed all of those regulations on men's basketball, allowing unlimited texting, and everybody thought, "Oh my gosh, this is a whole different thing." Shoot, that's worked out fine. It's been good for the prospective student-athletes, it's been good for the parents, it's been good for the coaches, it hasn't given anybody a competitive advantage, so I think that it's really healthy to analyze your entire organization regularly, and I think amateurism would be an issue that you should look at and say, "Do we have the right model? Is there some tweaking, some adjustment we can make here." ...

这就好比问,“我们是否应该在部门I中再看一个部门?”I happen to think that you should. I think that there are 60-70 schools that are different than everybody else in Division I. Different than anybody else and I think the time has probably come where we need to recognize that, that what goes on Michigan State is different than what they have to deal with at Eastern Michigan. It just is. What happens at Illinois is different than what they deal with at Illinois State. So let's recognize it, let's admit it, and let's just say, "OK, let's find the commonalities of those 60-70 schools and let them deal with some of the issues they need to deal with" while at the same time there are other common denominators that all of us have to deal with — whether it's amateurism or whether it has to do with minimum hours toward graduation or standardized test scores, whatever that may be. All of us should have to deal with that. But I do think the time has come for us to look and to admit that there are 60 schools to 70 schools that are different than everybody else.


答:你这么说很有趣,因为15年前我是德州州立大学的体育主任,一个FCS, I- aa足球项目。他们的愿望一直都是做I部门——I- a部门。现在,我就在那里。我住这。德州就在这条路上。我当时住在一个有95000人的体育场里。现在已经超过了10万。我在想,“德州的情况和德州州立大学大不相同。我们凭什么认为我们应该是I-A区?”The answer generally that you'll see is that we want to associate with I-A so we can look like them. We can get the afterglow effect, the ability to be able to be touched by it. So when you saw that happen and when you saw Louisiana-Monroe saying, "This is what we need to do," when you saw Arkansas State saying, "This is what we need to do" and you saw UT-San Antonio. And again, that's not to offend them. That's just the reality of that.

德克萨斯州立大学和德克萨斯大学之间没有什么比日夜更不同的了。没有什么。所以当你看到引力的时候,从110个程序到112 116,到现在的120,等等。
