

Greg在体育法律博客上建议,既然NBA和NFL不投资球员训练,他们应该被允许禁止年轻球员参加选秀。虽然这样做可以降低成本,并让NCAA的人才以接近于零的价格脱颖而出,但对那些“搭便车”的人来说,似乎是一种丰厚的回报。美国国家橄榄球联盟对克莱特的裁决提出上诉,以“悲剧性的后果”为由,试图剥夺克莱特和威廉姆斯参加今年选秀的机会。Ahem. You draft Clarett, pay him a few million, and then put his tender talent at undue risk if he's not yet ready? Please court, help me from myself! Clarett aside,麦克·威廉姆斯绝对是准备好了。他是大学橄榄球赛男生中的佼佼者。

关于棒球的类固醇大火。自梅瑟史密斯-麦克纳利案以来,在每一次合同谈判中,业主们都试图追回他们珍贵的保留条款失效所造成的租金损失。不知怎么的,他们高兴地看着,伴随着这些谈判的停摆和罢工被指责为“贪婪的球员”。With just a smidgen of foresight, an enlightened baseball management might have come to the table saying, "boys, we don't want to take your money this time. We accept the status quo there. But we both have a problem. Lets join the rest of the world and push doping out of the game with a credible testing policy." Didn't happen. Here's hoping both sides ignore the nonsense coming from the mouths of Baker, Kent, and Sheffield, and listen to whatJohn Smoltz不得不说。