
只是为了记录,这里是过去一周的一些值得注意的信息。在奥斯汀,Eric Dexheimer描绘了一幅“长角经济”的图景。Where the budget has now crossed the $100 million mark, or $210,000 per student athlete. Tuition, room and board are about $7.6 million, relatively small potatoes. "Class checkers " and "quality control" supervisors run about $30,000 per year, each. Plenty of swag, and la de dah, 'there's a lake of stew and of whiskey too, you can paddle all around 'em in a big canoe, in the Big Rock Candy Mountains.' Until you get arrested, that is. (Hat tip to Tom in Houston).

上周同样值得注意的是,Chris Isidore记录了大都会队崩溃的代价在CNNMoney.com上。根据大都会队能走多远,这个数字大约在100万美元到1500万美元之间,以德州的标准来看不算多;)。伊西多尔的文章中有一件很好的事情值得一抄,那就是他对集体谈判协议如何定义球队和球员之间的季后赛收入分配的描述。即使是大都会队,作为未能进入季后赛的四支第二名球队之一,也只获得了一小部分。